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Swagelok Quebec Group

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Tube Fitting Installation + Tube Bending

Tube fitting installation

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Tube fitting installation - 4h

Our customers have confidence in our expertise: you also follow our most requested training, on the appropriate application and the proper installation of our various fluid system products. We teach our customers to perform under pressure, just like us.

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What's in it for you?

  • Increased employee skills
  • Reduced installation costs
  • Reduced unnecessary downtime
  • Greater security of employees in the factory


Tube bending - 4h

In any condition and configuration, tube bending is a difficult task. Do not try without proper training! This hands-on training introduces the best tube bending techniques.

The results    

  • Increased system performance    
  • Aesthetic qualities of the developed systems
  • Reduced loss of material     
  • Work time reduced with a better accuracy of bending technique


For any further information, please email us or call us at 514-332-3651.
