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Swagelok Quebec Group

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Air distribution manifold

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Steam lance


Using steam to combat ice buildup can be extremely effective, but must be done with caution to avoid danger to personnel and equipment. That's why our our Steam Lance is a safe and effective solution for removing ice from process lines or other equipment.

The basic concept of the steam lance is simple: a long insulated tube with a handle and a valve at one end. However, companies trying to make their own version may run into problems. DIY versions with parts recovered from the workshop have been observed, with the risk of burns for the staff.

Design and option

Our steam lance is designed to reduce the risk of injury while providing superior performance. Its design uses insulated tubing, heat-shrink ends to seal the insulation, and a heavy-duty ball valve specifically designed for steam. In addition, it is possible to add a handle near the valve to avoid holding it directly with thick gloves in winter.

If the standard lance is not suitable, a custom version can be designed to meet specific needs, using different tubing, valves or materials to extend its reach or protect components. Steam lances have been made up to 22 feet in length, and jacketed tubing is available in even longer lengths.

Other applications

The use of the steam lance can be extended to applications other than simple ice removal, such as the removal of solidification from asphalt, heavy oils and plastics. It's also handy for clearing sidewalks and other snowy areas.

Our steam lance comes ready to use and has been tested prior to delivery, with a single part number for easy ordering. So there is no need to make equipment yourself that can cause safety hazards. In short, it is a simple and effective solution to keep operations running when adverse weather conditions threaten to disrupt the production process.


Key market:

  • Chemical and petrochemical
