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Swagelok Quebec Group

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Swagelok Hose Advisory Services

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Unexpected shutdowns of operations.
Loss of profits.
Repeated replacement of hoses.
Safety incidents.

Flexible hose failures take up resources and time you do not have. It is better to be prepared by taking a precautionary approach. Let Swagelok's Hose Advisory Service help you.

From reducing maintenance costs to extending the life of flexible hoses to improving safety, we're here to take the pressure off of you.

The Swagelok Hose Advisory Service program helps you to:

Increase the efficiency of your installations. You can now preserve your time and resources to be able to focus on other priorities.
Improve the safety of your facilities. You can keep your plant and processes safe, predictable and reliable with leak tight seal products, coupled with best practices, to reduce the risk of injury and damage to the environment.
Master the maintenance of hoses. Be able to anticipate the needs of your systems and understand the necessary measures  for proper operation, using a personalized preventive maintenance schedule.
Reduce the maintenance costs of your factory. Save on the repetitive replacement of problematic hoses, unplanned shutdowns and product leaks.
Extend the service life of hoses. Save money with the right selection of flexible hoses and connections, which will maximize the life of your hoses.


What to expect from Swagelok Flexible Hose Advisory Service