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Swagelok Quebec Group

Your Authorized Swagelok Sales and Service Center

Small bore systems: Solutions and optimization

Small Bore  Solutions

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Raise system designers' awareness of the use of small diameter solutions for ¾ to 2 inch tubing lines. Describe the advantages of the tube versus the threaded pipe, both in terms of ease of installation, increased safety and greatly reduced potential for leaks. 


The training presents alternatives to the pipe when designing integral systems, subsystems or part of systems requiring nominal or real diameters of 3/4 to 2 inches.

  • Evaluate the transition costs from pipe to tube
  • Reduce installation, operation and maintenance costs
  • Equivalence of standards and codes
  • Typical applications

Who should attend

Engineers and fluid systems designers 


Christine Simard


1,5 hours

For any further information, simply   e-mail us or call us at 514-332-3651.
